Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I like this girl but she isn't being straightforward with me?

I met this girl at a freshmen admittance thing & afterwards she added me on facebook and we talked alot. She admitted to staring at me and noticing my smile etc so my first thought is she likes me. I let our friendship build and I realized i began to like her too. However when I told her this, she told me she didn't want me to like her because it would make our friendship akward, and she likes me too, but she doesn't know what to do. I tried to persuade her to seeing everything is okay but it didn't work. Then she starts going on "dates" with some other guy, in her words "nothing serious, just keeping my options open". It made me mad because I felt I wasn't given a chance and a random guy whom she won't see when school starts, does.So we still talked, and I visited her last week and we had an nice time together which reinforces the notion that she must like me, and she told me how wonderful I made her feel. But now, she acts increasingly distant ever since that day and idk why.

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